From PRAXI Network to BEYOND Expo!

This year, PRAXI Network, coordinator of the Enterprise Europe Network Hellas, expands the action of the matchmaking event initiative, inviting all those who participate at BEYOND Expo and 9th Technology Forum 2022.
As the main organizers of Networking Opportunities, PRAXI Network aims to promote business, technological and research collaborations that bring together the Greek industrial ecosystem with the global one.
The organization of BEYOND would like to warmly thank PRAXI Network for this initiative!
Would you like to expand your network, explore new ideas and develop collaborations, through a series of pre-arranged meetings?
PRAXI Network is the leading technology transfer and innovation support organization in Greece, bringing together 30 years of unique know-how in assisting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and research organisations throughout the country.
Its mission is to make Greek enterprises and research organisations more competitive by:
- connecting research/academia & industry
- fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
- supporting/promoting transnational cooperation

BEYOND is organized by TIF-HELEXPO, BeBest and Industry Disruptors-Game Changers (ID-GC). It is under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Investments, the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Ministry of Interior (Macedonia-Thrace). Co-organizers are the Region of Central Macedonia, the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) and the Municipality of Thessaloniki.